Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which balances the body, mind, and spirit. It is an ancient system of healing and has been continuously refined during its 4500 years history. Today it is widely practiced in the west. Very fine sterile stainless-steel needles are inserted into the body at carefully selected points to stimulate the body’s own healing processes. There is significant scientific data, proving that acupuncture promotes the production of ‘endorphins’ that relieves pain, improves the immune system, and regulates blood flow and hormones. Acupuncture is also anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and improves your overall feeling of well-being. There is no age limit for this type of treatment and it is painless.
Anna is an ACC registered acupuncturist with 20 years’ experience, an executive member of NZASA (New Zealand Acupuncture Standards Authority), health insurance approved and registered. Anna graduated from the top Chinese Medicine University in the world, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. She has improved her skills from different Chinese acupuncture masters in China. The latest time was attending a full-time ZhenDao acupuncture training and working with master Prof. Changjing at TCM masters’ clinic and public hospital. This acupuncture skill derived from traditional Chinese acupuncture, Chinese acupuncture experts make it revival and teach this acupuncture combined with detailed anatomy knowledge.
Anna has not only treated numerous muscle-skeletal problems, but also a wide range of medical and healthcare problems. Anna also uses specific acupuncture needles, skills and protocols for male and female’s facial rejuvenation, please see “Specialised Treatments” on the website. Acupuncture also does a great job of weight loss as well. Different acupuncture skills and plan make different results, and sometimes, need to combine with other Chinese Medicine technics.
All clinics use Sterile Acupuncture Needles for single use.
Please feel free to contact our expert acupuncturist Anna or visit 97 Church Street Onehunga Clinic for a free consultation.